Residential Roofing

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The Best Quality Home Roofing In Lubbock

When you need a quality roof that will last for years and keep your home protected, South Plains Roofing & Remodeling is your source.

We have exceptional experience in helping homeowners just like you. We will make sure you get maximum value out of a new roof, a replacement roof, or a home roof repair.

Our craftsmanship is second to none, and our team has a huge amount of experience in all types of roof installations.

Materals & Craftsmanship

Whether your has been damaged from a storm or hail, or if it's simply time to put a new roof on your home, our experts can help you select the right materials.

We can also help you contemplate a change in color or texture, or perhaps a move to a different type of roof altogether. Our work also represents our customer service satisfaction mindset and attention to detail.

South Plains Roofing & Remodeling offers a wide variety of roofing materials in Lubbock, Texas.



We Help With Insurance Claims

When your roof is damaged, you need capable help from someone who can advise you on the best materials and complete a job quickly as well as help with the insurance process. Our team will assist you each step of the way, and we long-term experience to help the claims process be as smooth as possible!

South Plains Roofing & Remodeling helps home owners with insurance claims on new roofs.


Home being inspected with a magnifying glass for a new roof or remodeling.

Request your free estimate anytime!